Partners in Liquid Restaking for Leveraged Yield Farming—EtherFi 🤝 Marginly

Partners in Liquid Restaking for Leveraged Yield Farming—EtherFi 🤝 Marginly

Hey, EtherFi users! Your favorite liquid restaking platform EtherFi is partnering with Marginly to bring you leveraged yield farming for Pendle’s Principal Token. We’re talking leverage for yield-bearing assets in just one click.

Marginly meet EtherFi, EtherFi meet Marginly and Pendle. Marginly is a protocol that gives you leverage to generate yield from liquid restaking tokens and other yield-bearing assets. Pendle is the permissionless yield-trading protocol that lets users execute complex yield management strategies. And EtherFi is the platform that automatically generates wrapped ETH (eETH) as a liquid restaking token on your staked ETH.

Now you can use your eETH to farm yield on Pendle with leverage from Marginly. Yes, that ports you over to Pendle and Marginly—but EtherFi makes that part easy.

How it works

You want the rundown on how EtherFi x Marginly x Pendle works? The steps—

  1. Bring eETH from EtherFi to Pendle
  2. Swap your eETH for Pendle’s Principal Token (PT)
  3. Connect your digital wallet to Marginly 
  4. Deposit your PTs into Marginly pools as collateral
  5. Use that collateral to borrow up to 10X more PTs
  6. Hold your PTs until their maturity dates to get the implied APY from Pendle—or sell sooner for an attractive spot price
  7. Enjoy boosted APYs on Pendle tokens because you’re using Marginly leverage

But that’s not all you get by getting involved with Marginly. With its native token airdrop upcoming, the protocol is awarding points—called Sparks—to liquidity providers and leveraged yield farmers before the airdrop.

What Marginly’s serving

Hey, again, EtherFi folks—let’s get to know Marginly 👇

  • Provides access to liquidity pools for ETH and USDC
  • Offers 10X leverage on your PTeETH margin for yield farming
  • Makes leveraged yield farming as simple as one click
  • Can enable you to earn 3-figure APYs
  • Lets you earn Sparks and participate in the upcoming airdrop

Marginly uses a safety-first protocol design that isolates liquidity pools. The platform is non-custodial and doesn’t rely on any off-chain oracles, meaning that it’s 100% decentralized. All of Marginly’s smart contracts are double-audited by Quantstamp.

DeFi just got bigger for EtherFi users

EtherFi + Marginly + Pendle are three peas in a DeFi pod, letting EtherFi users earn more yield from their eETH on Pendle with leverage from Marginly. We’re like comrades at coding camp, and we’re excited to bunk together. 

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